💛 In summer I always enjoy an early-evening walk on our smallholding. No need to get in my car to find nature, I have 8.5ha right here to explore, hoping to see the Barn Owl or some Guinea fowl, but always enjoying the Bluegum trees and beautiful grasses and wild flowers along the way.


Hi! I am Maree Clarkson and  I am a watercolour wildlife and conservation artist and Nature Student living on my little piece of African soil in Tarlton (Gauteng, South Africa), in love with life, my chickens, gardening and nature! I am a collection of thoughts and memories and likes and dislikes. I am the things that have happened to me and the sum of everything I've ever done. I am the clothes I wear on my back. I am every place and every person and every object I have ever come across.

:: I sit and drink tea in the mornings, paint in the afternoons and come out at dusk to listen as the world tucks itself in for the night ::

:: Won't you join me? ::

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